The Federalism Project

American Enterprise Institute

The Federalism Project
Transcripts and Event Materials

AEI Events

Federalism under the Influence: Dope, Booze, and the Commerce Clause.  Featuring Brannon Denning, Todd Zywicki, R. Hewitt Pate, Viet Dinh, John Eastman, Ed Warren, Michael Greve, and Richard Epstein.

Can States Reform Torts? Featuring Hugh Kelly, Andrew Stephens, Michelle White, Linda Woggon, and Michael Greve. October 2004.

Terror, Torts, and Telecom, a review of the Supreme Courts 2003/4 Term. Featuring Viet Dinh, Richard Garnett, and Edward Warren. June 2004.

Competition Laws in Conflict: Antitrust Jurisdiction in the Global Economy. Featuring Richard Epstein and Timothy Muris. May 2004.

summary of event here

Preemption in the Rehnquist Court Featuring Michael Greve, Thomas Merrill, Dan Schweitzer, and Rob Gasaway. April 2004.

summary of event here

The Free State Project: Move and Live Free?  Featuring Jason Sorens, Michael Barone, Alan Bock and Richard Vedder. February 2004.

summary of event here

When Federalism Works�Why Kill It? Federal Initiatives on Corporate and Financial Regulation. October 2003.

Panel on the Supreme Court's 2002/3 Term (PDF) featuring Alan Raul, Dan Schweitzer, Adrian Vermeule, and John Yoo. June 2003.

Keynote speeches from "The New Antitrust Paradox: Policy Proliferation in the Global Economy" The Honorable Judge Wood and the Honorable Judge Posner. April 2003. Full proceedings here.


Panel on state activism cleaning the air, featuring Barry Rabe, Robert Gasaway, Marlo Lewis, and Chris Schroeder, May 2003.

Panel on the Supreme Court's 2001/2 Term (PDF) featuring Evan Caminker, Walter Dellinger, John Harrison, Michael Rappaport. July 2002.

AEI press briefing on drug industry litigation, featuring Michael Greve and Jack Calfee, June 2002 (PDF).

Panel on the European constitutional convention, April 2002 (PDF).

Roundtable on torts and terror (civil liability after 9/11), December 2001 (PDF).

Roundtable on internet privacy regulation, featuring Bruce Kobayashi, Larry Ribstein, and Eugene Volokh. January 2001 (PDF).

Roundtable on environmental policy, featuring Jonathan Adler and Becky Norton Dunlop, September 2001 (PDF).

Panel on globalization and states' rights, June 2001.

 of Related Interest

Boston College/Federalism Project Federalism Roundtable Series

Federalist Society Roundtable: "Federalism: A Tenth Amendment and Enumerated Powers Revival?"